• First, log-on to your Google account to read and reply your teacher’s daily email message for attendance. URL is https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?hl=en&continue=https://mail.google.com/a/silviesrcs.org/ After your first sign-in, your username and password will be saved. 
  • Your SilvieRCS.org account has been assigned and is the first letter of your given name, your full last name@silviesrcs.orgIt looks like this j.doe@silviesrcs.org. If you have any younger siblings with the same first initial and last name, yours will be j1.doe@silviesrcs.org
  • Parents also have a Silvies Google account network, parentfirstname.lastname@silviesrcs.net. Any parent or student account can be forwarded to a different email address by providing us preferred email account information.